Abreham Hailemariam Summary The objective of the study is to assess the magnitude and factors associated with birth prepar...
Abreham Hailemariam
The objective of the study is to assess the magnitude and factors associated with birth
preparedness and complication readiness among pregnant women attending antenatal care
services at public health facilities in Debrebirhan town, Amhara, Ethiopia, 2015.
The reason to do this research:
This study focuses on ANC attending woman's Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness.
There is a significant interrelationship between BPCR and ANC follow up. In this regard Ethiopia
is among many African countries where home delivery is widely practiced. According to mini
EDHS 2014, data shows in Amhara region only 17.1% of pregnant women were informed of
signs of pregnancy complications and institutional delivery of only 10.3%. Despite the fact that
emphasis is given by the national strategy to raise knowledge of obstetric danger signs little is
known about the current level of practice and the influencing factors in Ethiopia.
The associated problems and health risks of the knowledge are also dependent on the specific
context .This study therefore aims to fill this gap by assessing the current status of birth and its
complication of danger signs among pregnant women as it could provide another insight in the
prevention maternal and child mortality and morbidity.
Time taken
Time taken to finalize this research was for a year beginning from preparation to final.
(June 2014-june 2015)
GJMR: Global Journals Blog
The most important reason inspired me to do this research is because of my professional work
experience in public health and MCH clinics plus due to the reason that I am living in developing
world where there is high maternal and child mortality and less coverage of institutional health
delivery and Less ANC coverage so that birth preparedness and complication readiness is the
key to anticipate the problems mentioned above.
Personal Experience
I am well experienced for the past nine years in different academic areas, clinicians and
researches especially in maternal and child health. In the future also I am egger and motivated
to do in maternal and child health activities together with my colleagues and add some inputs
to my nations and world. This activity all include in teaching area, health facilities, working
different consultancies and involving in different research and disseminating findings to the
concerned authority, policy makers and the community so as to decline problems related with
maternal and child health activities in our nations.
Publishing Experience
This is of course my first time to publish with Global Journals and hope our work will sustain
and we will do all our best because when we work together every can achieves more.
Short Autobiography:
I was born on April 2/1987 in Ethiopia where in 2005; I joined University of Hawassa for higher
education and completed a B. Sc. Degree in Public Health in 2007. After five years of service in
2013, I joined Gondar University, MPH training in public health and completed in 2015. From
September 2008 to August 2010, I served as Instructor and college dean. As of September 2011
to 2013; I served as clinician and Medical director in Addis Ababa Regional health bureau. Since
September 2014, I am serving in different research activities as consultancy in different
Research Article:
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